Research paper submitted for the competitive examination for professorship in the Section of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies at the University of Barcelona.
Transcription of the Babylonian manuscripts at the centre of the author's doctoral thesis, Targum babilónico a los Profetas Posteriores: Introducción, estudio gramatical y transcripción de los mss. targúmicos sobre los Profetas Posteriores en puntuación babilónica (1973).
Abridged version of the author’s doctoral thesis, Targum babilónico a los Profetas Posteriores: Introducción, estudio gramatical y transcripción de los mss. targúmicos sobre los Profetas Posteriores en puntuación babilónica (1973).
Thesis submitted under the supervision of Dr. Joan Vernet i Ginés (1923-2011), as part of the Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Letters, graded Outstanding and awarded the Prize for Extraordinary Undergraduate Research by the University of Barcelona.